Staged Diabetes Management by Roger Mazze read ebook DOC
9780470654668 English 047065466X This new edition of the successful "Staged DiabetesManagement" will again address the prominent issues of primarycare diabetes management based on the International DiabetesCenter's "Staged Diabetes Management" program, which it advocates as part of its missionstatement. This systematic treatment program consists ofpractical solutions to the detection and treatment of diabetes, itscomplications, and such areas as metabolic syndrome, pre-diabete, sand diabetes in children using evidence-based medicine. The textreviews the fundamental basis of diabetes management and thenaddresses treatment of each type of diabetes and the major micro-and macrovascular complications.
9780470654668 English 047065466X This new edition of the successful "Staged DiabetesManagement" will again address the prominent issues of primarycare diabetes management based on the International DiabetesCenter's "Staged Diabetes Management" program, which it advocates as part of its missionstatement. This systematic treatment program consists ofpractical solutions to the detection and treatment of diabetes, itscomplications, and such areas as metabolic syndrome, pre-diabete, sand diabetes in children using evidence-based medicine. The textreviews the fundamental basis of diabetes management and thenaddresses treatment of each type of diabetes and the major micro-and macrovascular complications.