Biblia de Estudio Vida Plena read book FB2, DJV, DOC


Esta Biblia incluye extensas notas en la parte inferior de cada pagina, escritas y revisadas por pastores y teologos con el proposito de ayudarle a entender mejor la Palabra de Dios y ofrecer sugerencias utiles para poner en practica lo aprendido. Tambien tiene setenta y siete articulos, intercalados en el texto biblico, sobre temas de importancia para todo creyente y doce simbolos tematicos, ubicados en los margenes que indican pasajes que tratan temas especificos. Estos temas incluyen salvacion, bautismo/el ser lleno del Espiritu Santo, sanidad divina, segunda venida de Cristo, dones del Espiritu, fruto del Espiritu, fe que mueve montanas, evangelismo personal, la victoria sobre Satanas y los demonios, poder de vencer al mundo, alabanza, andar en obediencia y justicia. Contiene cuarenta y cuatro mapas y tablas intercaladas en el texto biblico para ayudar al lector a encontrar lugares clave y entender conceptos importantes a primera vista. Contiene veintiocho diagramas entre los que se encuentran los siguientes: origen de las naciones, calendario hebreo, tabernaculo, milagros del Antiguo Testamento, profecias del Antiguo Testamento cumplidas en Cristo, ministro de Jesus. Tambien incluye introducciones a cada libro, indica tematico, concordancia, dieciseis paginas de mapas a todo color, plan de lectura, y sistema de referencia al pie de la pagina. Palabras del Senor Jesus en Rojo", Extended notes at the bottom of each page, written and revised by pastors with the purpose of helping the reader understand the Word of God.Seventy-seven articles on important topics for all believersTwelve symbols, placed in the margins that indicate specific subjects:* Salvation* Baptism* Divine healing* Second coming of Jesus* Fruit of the Spirit* Faith that moves moutains* Personal evangelism* Victory over Satan and demons* Power to win over the world* Praise* Walk in obedience and justice- Forty-four maps and tables to help the reader find places and understand concepts- Twenty-eight diagrams of:* Origin of nations* Hebrew calendar* Tabernacle* Miracles of the Old Testament* Prophecies of the Old Testament* Jesus' ministry- Introduction to each book- Index- Concordance- Sixteen pages of colorful maps- Reading plan- Reference system on each page, SPANISH EDITION: The Full Live Study Bible has extensive notes on the bottom of every page, written and revised by pastors and theologians with the intention of helping you better understand the Word of God and offers useful suggestions to put what you have learned into practice., The Spanish Full-Life Study Bible includes: Introduction to each book --- Index --- Concordance --- Sixteen pages of colorful maps --- Reading plan --- Reference system on each page --- Extended notes at the bottom of each page --- Seventy-seven articles on important topics for all believers --- Forty-four maps and tables to help the reader find places and understand concepts There are twelve symbols, placed in the margins that indicate specific subjects: * Salvation * Baptism* Divine healing* Second coming of Jesus * Fruit of the Spirit * Faith that moves mountains * Personal evangelism * Victory over Satan and demons * Power to win over the world * Praise * Walk in obedience and justiceThere are twenty-eight diagrams of: * Origin of nations* Hebrew calendar* Tabernacle * Miracles of the Old Testament * Prophecies of the Old Testament * Jesus' ministry

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