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Download Elaine Everest - Showing Your Dog DOC, TXT


Competing at dog shows is an excellent way for the family - both young and old alike - to enjoy a hobby together. Many people enter this sport first with a family pet as a fun day out and then move on to more serious competition at championship level. The ultimate goal for most newcomers is to qualify for Crufts and perhaps even win the much coveted Best in Show award. This book takes you step by step through the process of what is required to enjoy showing a dog. It will tell you: - How to choose a good quality pedigree puppy and understand its health requirements - How to train and prepare from day one through to that first dog show - How to enter a show and what to expect - Where to go and when at the dog show, and what to do in the show ring - What clubs, committees and support are available for the novice exhibitor - How to qualify for Crufts and what to expect upon arriving at the World's Greatest Dog Show - What the next step is and whether to purchase another dog, breed a litter or even train to be a judge. Contents: Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1. Starting out; 2. Learning to Show 3. Grooming and Presentation; 4. Entering a Show; 5. Travelling with Dogs; 6. The Day of the Show; 7. Rules and Etiquette; 8. Awards and Prizes; 9. Major Champonship Shows; 10. What Next?; The Rainbow Bridge; Glossary; Useful Information; Index.

Elaine Everest - Showing Your Dog download ebook EPUB, FB2

With an Italian mother and half Greek half Corsican father he spent his first years in Italy before moving to the UK.And for a break from all that Nordic chic, there are thousands of pine-covered islands a ferry ride away for a thoroughly laid-back getaway.Filled with fascinating anecdotes about Cesar's longtime clients, and including forewords by the president of the International Association of Canine Professionals and Jada Pinkett Smith, this is the only book you'll need to forge a new, more rewarding connection with your four-legged companion.But this was not a game; this was about surviving, this was about family.Fans of the show as well as readers interested in American television and pop culture history will enjoy this insightful look at "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In."An informative and engaging book for all the show's fans, "Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor" chronicles Lucy's journey from budding opera singer to the surprisingly "Hollywood" story of her landing the role of Xena.The secret to her seemingly perfect supermodel look is simple: she works hard to look good.They've heard that when you and your best friend turn ten years old magical things will happen.And much, much more.Bestselling cookbook author Stéphane Reynaud brings us the ultimate in classic French comfort food--with over 75 easy-to-make recipes--just in time for the holidays !In his astounding new novel, the unthinkable has come to pass.Wow! Bring your highlighter to this party.I m already predicting my future shame at thinking I had anything to offer you, Dunham writes.Notable neighborhood residents have contributed their personal anecdotes about Brooklyn, too, including Borough President Eric L.